Thursday 28 November 2013

RocketDock- The Best Dock for Windows PCs

*When you click the download button below a window will open with some ad... You need to click the "Skip this" button on the right top corner.

RocketDock is an application launcher developed by PolyVector and Skunkie of Punk Labs, working with artist Zachary Denton, for Windows that provides a dock similar to that of the Mac OS X Aqua GUI. It is freely available under a Creative Commons license and is distributed by Punk Labs (previously called Punk Software).

RocketDock is able to show live updates of minimized windows as in Mac OS X, and in Windows Vista it can show live thumbnail updates on the taskbar. It is compatible with MobyDock, ObjectDock, RK Launcher, and Y'z Dock skins, and is compatible with and borrows from Stardock ObjectDock's publicly published Docklet API.

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